Understanding Workshops

"Workshop" is just a name for what happens when a group of friends or colleagues commit to collaborate on a project with a goal, and cross-license the content they create to each other. For example, an actor, a writer, and a director might agree to produce a video series. They share ownership of the resulting content based on a transparent measure of value contributed, as spelled out in their workshop agreement. Let's call this type of arrangement an "Equallective" workshop. For more details about Equallectives, see Introducing the Equallective.

If you are considering joining or organizing an indie production group requiring a big investment of time without upfront compensation, and you want everyone to earn a share of the resulting income, an Eggseed Workshop might be perfect for you.

How To Join

Anyone joining an Eggseed Press workgroup must first join Eggseed Press and agree to its charter. Any interested and legally competent adult is eligible to join, provided they are invited by an existing member and vouched for by another member.

There is no membership fee.

Joining provides access to content and live discussion in Eggseed Press shared spaces, but does not guarantee any right to share in earnings or the right to join any particular workshop. Members earn revenue shares by contributing to creation or monetization of revenue-earning content produced in a workshop. Details may vary depending on the specific workshop agreement. Workshops are advertised and applied for in Eggseed Press shared spaces.

If you already know an Eggseed Press member, ask them to invite you and help recruit another member to vouch for you.

If you don't know an Eggseed Press member, join the Principled Peacemakers Group on Signal or Discourse. There is no fee. You can join on either or both platforms. Joining the group on either platform indicates your agreement to the Principled Peacemakers Compact. Once in the Principled Peacemakers group, post a message indicating your interest in joining Eggseed Press.

If you do not know anyone in the Principled Peacemakers group you joined, you may need to pay another member to verify you are a human and/or to vouch for your character. Any such fee is set by the member performing the service and is negotiable with such member. Some members may elect to provide these services for free, especially if asked nicely.

Whether joining by invitation or request, applicants may be required to consent to a mutual non-disclosure agreement before reviewing any confidential materials prior to joining.

Signal is a secure and compact messaging app for mobile and desktop devices. It can be downloaded in various app/play stores and at Signal.org. Discourse is a web-based forum. It is less secure than Signal but does not require downloading an app. Discourse offers some group features that Signal cannot, due to Signal's greater emphasis on security and privacy.

Active Workshops

Workshops include but are not limited to: